Care Giver

Do you need a Caregiver?

We have database with qualified caregivers based on your needs.

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Caregivers work in the home and help their clients with daily activities, such as bathing and bathroom functions, feeding, grooming, taking medication, and some housework. Caregivers help clients make and keep appointments with doctors, provide or arrange transportation and serve as a companion for their clients.

Job Description:

  • Attention to Detail: Some clients have specific rules or schedules that must be minded, or specific rules that must be followed.
  • Interpersonal Skills: Caregivers work in a very personal way with their clients. Some will be in pain or very sensitive to their fragility. Caregivers must be sensitive and compassionate with clients.
  • Stamina: Caregivers might need to lift clients into the bathtub, cars and into bed, and need strength.
  • Time Management: Caregivers are schedule keepers. Caregivers have to be there to make sure clients get up on time, make sure medication is taken on schedule and clients get to appointments on time.

We are able to find you the right Caregiver Employee you need. for only a once off payment R 3750 Terms & Conditions apply.

Direct Hires (permanent)


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